Believe it or not, our attention span has been getting shorter while our screen time has been getting longer. We now live in a world where most people are overloaded by information. At That’s So Creative, we know that print is not dead. You have probably been wondering whether print advertising is still effective or print marketing is the right fit for your business. Here, we have gathered 7 benefits of print marketing for your brand.

1. Print Is Tangible and Their Effect May Last Longer

Brochures, posters, and/or catalogs can stay in place for a long time. They may still be persuasive even when it has been on a table or a wall for months. When used with non-time-sensitive messages, printed marketing may give your business a much farther benefit to win the market.

2. Prints Can Increase Your Brand Legitimacy

There’s nothing like having a credible magazine or newspaper cover your business’s story. Believe it or not, getting covered by news media can get you that media’s credibility transferred to your brand.

3. Prints Can Get You Higher and Wider Reach

When properly placed, a poster or billboard can give you a much higher impression compared to digital advertising. Tangible media such as posters, billboards, or visual merchandising target the general public – meaning that they are seen by everyone who passes by.

4. Prints Can Be More Engaging

Print media have the advantage of lasting longer than digital marketing materials. The current audience is known to have a shorter attention span with only a split second before they skip a YouTube advertisement. With print media such as magazines, the readers are known to spend 43 minutes reading on average.

5. Prints Can Get Your Brand Established

Print media allow you to show off your brand’s aesthetic quality – design, font, color, and textures. This may increase your chances to establish your brand recognition. This is probably more applicable to product packaging rather than other kinds of print media.

6. Prints May Let Your Brand Stand Out More

Now we live in the era of overflowing spam in email inboxes. Too much information is ignored. This is why a high-quality and well-designed printed marketing piece should be on your priority list. As you do something different with your brand, your business can get recognized easier.

7. Printed Media Can Still Be Interactive

With current technology, now you can create print marketing materials that are not so dull and interactive. You can use QR codes to drive them onto your website or social media. QR codes are easy to use by your audience and can be customized to your brand’s needs.

We think prints’ effectiveness may last longer, are more engaging, and let a brand stand out more. What do you think? Do these 7 benefits of print marketing convince you yet? We know how confusing it can be to decide what the right next step is for your business. That is why we are here to help with a free 20-minute print project consultation. While you are here, it would be great if you check out our services, too.

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