Looking back at the history and resilience of Blacks in America, business and entrepreneurship have been pivotal to creating a thriving community. After the post-slavery Reconstruction era in the late 1800s, even in the face of segregation, we began to find our stride by opening our own businesses. Many achieved wealth during that time. Black business corridors sprang up across the country and provided jobs and a sense of pride. If the Black community is going to continue to rise from the ashes of racism, Black business must be at the center of its revitalization. 

It hasn’t always been easy. As a Black-owned business, That’s So Creative has faced many challenges, such as needing access to capital and not having the resources needed to scale. Like so many other businesses, TSC has had to think creatively about how to grow. We are thankful for those who have come alongside us to support the company. Those individuals saw something special in what we were doing and decided to either do business with us or support us in other ways. 

That support is key to the success of all businesses, especially Black-owned businesses. Here are eight ways that you can help other businesses succeed:


1. Referrals

If you have worked with a Black-owned business, please spread the word. The majority of our business is referral-based. Black owners oftentimes do not have access to certain networks. Through referrals, we create our own networks of opportunity.


2. Testimonials

Social proof is everything. Consumers’ busy schedules can make it difficult to write a testimonial, but this can be the key to giving your favorite Black businesses the boost they need.


3. Give Honest, Sincere, and Compassionate feedback

Let’s be real. Black-owned businesses face many challenges. They need your sincere, honest, and compassionate feedback. Do not be afraid to send a friendly message to someone on ways they can improve their product or service. Let’s inspire excellence amongst each other. 


4. BUY (at the price they set)

Louder for the people in the back: BUY, BUY, BUY. Whenever you can, choose Black-owned products and services. The Black community is the only community where the dollar comes in and leaves out as soon as it’s earned. Let’s honor the rates that business owners set. No more expecting deals, discounts, and hookups. We have to begin placing a higher value on Black-owned businesses.


5. Share Publicly

This goes beyond a mere testimonial. When you share publicly, you become a brand evangelist. Share your experiences from your personal pages and networks, and become that business’ cheerleader. I’ve discovered so many great brands because someone shared their experience on their personal social media pages.


6. Criticize Privately

I get it. In the era of Yelp and Google reviews, if we have a bad experience, we want to let others know and possibly feel vindicated, as well. You have the right to feel how you feel, but let me ask, did you try to resolve the matter privately first? Or, did you go straight to Facebook? 



Are we leveraging our time, talent, and resources — particularly financial resources — to help lift others up? Consider investing on a larger scale through individual donations, funds, real estate, or avenues for those with the means. Other ways to invest could be through volunteering your time or talent wherever you see a need. 


8. Be A Mentor

If you are a person of influence, I ask, who are you mentoring right now? Many Black owners are the first in their families to become entrepreneurs. So, mentorship will be key to their growth and development. I, personally, did not have a model or blueprint for success to follow. Many of us learned from the school of hard knocks and the playground of experience. How refreshing is it when someone comes alongside you with a key piece of advice to get you unstuck, or leadership to help you grow and stay accountable? 


Outside of a couple of these points, most of these are FREE ways to offer help to Black-owned businesses. With a little forethought and creativity, we can work together to see our communities thrive. You can even start now! That’s So Creative is committed to helping businesses and entrepreneurs grow to the next level.

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